Microbial Ecology

Microbial Ecology

Saturday, 28 March 2015


so for this week class, we are discussing about the interaction of microorganism in term of environment and between microorganism itself. I found that, this topic is quite interesting as we can know what microorganism can do to the others. there are commensalism, parasitism and mutualism and not also forgetting prey-predator. but what I like the most is mutualism as I really enjoyed reading journal or anything that shows the benefit of microorganism towards our society like, norma flora in human guts, without them, how come we can live peacefully. jyeah!
not forgetting I also like the mutualism interaction as I can know which microorganism that harmful to us, and what are the disease that they can give to us. so for the activity, we do the padlet. i found that, we often use padlet, what can I say is, padlet is useful in sharing what we have found. so the others people can also see it. to be sum up, this week I am more focusing on doing our flipped class. and hoping for the best on the next class.

this is the simple picture referring to the microbial interaction in plant.

Monday, 23 March 2015

River habitat

  • sufficient water movement --> minimize vertical stratification.
  • Most microbial biomass is attached to surfaces.

River Anatomy.
 Microbes found in river.
  • Nutrient sources : Autochthonous and allochthonous.
  • eutrophic systems : R>P (Become anoxic), runoff from agriculture and urban areas.

Oxygen Sag Curve


Tuesday, 17 March 2015

microbial nutrition and metabolism| Distrubution Of Microbe.

So as for this week, we are finishing the Microbial Nutrition and Metabolism. there are lots of thing to be remind because this topic we have learn before. so the activity that we have done in this week, is crossword puzzle. I've got 98% from that crossword, kind of interesting activity to do. and yeaa of course, we do lots of discussing in the class, where Dr. Wan interacts with us a lot and there is some moment where everyone was like blur and quite for a while because.... because of doesn't know the answer for sure. haha. it is not we don't know but somehow we just can't describe it in the right way. and of course the evening class was like so gloom, our energy has been depleted haha, but don't worry, we always have energy for something that fascinating us. 

for this upcoming thursday, we have the first test and I hope everyone will gets excellent marks. but, we've got lots of thing to do lately, kind of busy. but for sure we have to face it up because that is what students should be doing right? ohh before I forget, we also finishing the distribution of microbe, where we learn where is the places that have abundance amount of microbe, like ocean, soil, pond and atmosphere, lots more of course. there are different type of microorganism like, psychrophile, mixotroph, barophile, piezophile and lots more. apart from that, the water activity also vary depend on the microorganism, I would like to add something where mutation in food-borne pathogen are from water activity. we know that bacteria need higher water activity rather than fungi, but when water activity is low, then the bacteria try to adapt with that condition and after that they will change their diet, this will cause mutation. This is what that I learn in food microbiology class. just tryin to add :) 
for me, nutrition is more easier to be understand rather than metabolism, where we have to learn the glycolysis and various others pathway. we have learned it in physiological microbe in sem 3 but still there is something wrong with it. it is not that I don't understand but, more to facing up the difficulties in trying to memorize all those mechanism and all the enzymes. but, I will always try to facing off those problems. overall, till this week, I've got the flow of this study. and for sure I'll update more ;)

So this part, I'll update on today class. Today, we have test 1. so far so good. and after the test we discussing about the POBL. Our project on live without microbes. Dr. Wan gives us more details on how we should conduct our work. so, everything will be much more easier. surprisingly, our project will be see by others people, kind of promoting microbes, sort of... so, we have to give our best on doing this project. InsyaAllah ;) so, to sum up this week journal so here is the video and some pictures to be viewed . enjoy!

Since we learned about nutrition, so here is video how bacteria eats. kind of interesting huh? 

Monday, 9 March 2015

Microbial Group.

So as for this week, I have learned about the microbial group in microbial ecological, which consists of prokaryote, eukaryotes and viruses. actually, this topics have been cover up in microbiology 1, but as a student and normal human, we are easily forget, so do I. I've got to read back all the notes before, to recall back all the input. So in order to do that, I have decided to use mind mapping and all others method to prepared for the next lecture. So, here is the mind map, and I have highlight the key words in lecture notes, so it will be easier for me to do a revision for the next time.

For class activity, we have done popplet. where we have to recall back what we have study before on microbial group. This popplet is sort of mind mapping but we can invite the others member to join in with us. It is quite awesome to get to learn new tools in learning, besides that I really like the Popplet because it give so much fun to study

I would like to share this video to all of the readers, so basically this video is showing us a better magnified video for fungi, it is really awesome and beautiful. makes me amazed for a while.

For the next video, showing that the ecological role of protozoa in water purification, it shows us on how protozoa traps bacteria size of particle in ecological purification system to make safe drinking water.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Principle of Microbial ecology

For the first topic in Microbial Ecology, we learned the principle first. What that I have learned from this topic are, the environment where the microorganism lives as their habitat, and the interaction between the microorganism and the environment and  within the microorganism itself. For a better understanding upon this topic, I have search some article and journal also google a little bit about microbial ecology. Later on, we have been divided into a group of 6 and discussing among ourselves about the best journal describing the principle of microbial ecology. We have choose Yana's journal as our reference, and I have found that, we can relate the article to produce a better understanding on principle of microbial ecology

Here is the discussion that we have done on padlet

This is the article that we have chose

This is our group discussion on the above article.Here is the tittle that we are going to do on our "Life Without Microbes"